Thursday, March 30, 2006

Chris Kahler: Impulsive Systems

Kahler's work strives to incorporate synthesized concepts of biological science. Interesting idea. Science has always relied on illustration, but here it has been abstracted into the realm of fine art. Art and religion have long been related. Likewise with science and religion. Now we have art and science. Interesting idea.
The foundation of his work stems from the translucent colors emitted from light passing through the bodies of what seems to be multi-celled organisms. One direction uses a multitude of bright colors while another is monochromatic in blue hues. It has been received favorably by Post-Dispatch Critic, David Bonetti: "Kahler's paintings are undeniably beautiful, reminiscent in color and joyous affect of Sam Francis' midcentury abstractions".
These rather large pieces are beautifully presented at The Bruno David Gallery. The very tall ceilings there provide unique display for large pieces. A link to images of the show.


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